所有參賽者必須在比賽開始前 48 小時內進行 COVID-19 聚合酶鏈反應 (PCR) 測試並提供陰性的檢測結果。
所有參賽者必須在比賽當天進行快速抗原檢測(RAT),並在檢測結果上寫上自己的名字。於比賽當天需要出示陰性結果 (檢測棒實物或照片都可) 方可進入出發區。
* 措施會因新冠狀病毒發展及政府要求而更新
參賽者完賽後,於終點區和行李區領取完賽物資時,請保持不少於1.5米的社交距離 。
Anti-epidemic Policy
Race Entry Requirements:
1. All runners must comply with the government's "Vaccine Pass" requirements, and show "Blue Code".
2. All runners are required to take COVID-19 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test and provide validated negative results within 48 hours before the start of the race.
3. All runners must conduct rapid antigen test (RAT) on the race day with their names written on the test device, and need to show the picture of testing result at the start area.
4. All runners must show the confirmation email or screen capture of completed Health Declaration form on the race day.
5. Body temperature measured lower than 37.5ºC
Race Start:
No briefing will be conducted on the day of the race start.
All runners must keep social distancing of not less than 1.5m with one another at the start and finish areas.
All runners can take off their masks about 50 meters after passing the starting line.
All runners must wear masks at all way, except when runners who are on competition in the race route or when the person is drinking and eating where reasonably necessary.
Only volunteers can help runners to refill water and drinks.
Runners will start in batches of a maximum of 50 runners, each batch will leave at the start area every 3 minutes as follow:
During the Race:
Pacers, runner supports and spectators are not allowed along on the course, at the checkpoints, the start and finish areas.
Runners must put on their masks after passing the finish line within 2 minutes, and leave the finish area as soon as possible to avoid overcrowding.
All runners must keep social distancing of not less than 1.5m with one another at the finish and bag drop areas
Prize presentation ceremony will be conducted, award winners must keep social social distancing.
* The requirement is subject to change according to the COVID-19 development and government request.