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賽事日期: 2021年4月2日 - 2021年5月9日

賽事時間: 賽事日期內任何時間

起點: 油塘鯉魚門邨 - 高超道

終點: 油塘鯉魚門邨 - 高超道

賽事距離: 8公里 (8.4公里)

總攀升: 接近500米

總下降: 接近500米

完賽時限: 8小時

​報名費: 港幣$250


1. 乘搭港鐵油塘站A1出口, 往大本型方向

2. 乘搭九龍巴士油塘鯉魚門邨總站: 14, 62X, 259D

3. 乘搭九龍巴士油塘巴士總站: 214, 603

Race Information

Event: Mountain Range Virtual
Event Date: 2 April 2021 - 9 May 2021

Event time: Anytime during the event date
Start: Lei Yue Mun Estate, Yau Tong - Ko Chiu Road

Finish: Lei Yue Mun Estate, Yau Tong - Ko Chiu Road
Distance: 8km (8.4公里)
Total elevation gain: approx. 500m

Total elevation loss: approx. 500m
Finish Time Limit
: 8 hours

Entry Fee: HK$250

To the Start:

1. Take MTR to Yau Tong Station, A1 exit towards Domain Mall direction

​2. Take Kowloon Bus to Lei Yue Mun Estate Bus Terminus: Route 14, 62X, 259D

3. Take Kowloon Bus to Yau Tong Bus Terminus: Route 214, 603

8公里的路段, 適合越野跑入門新手, 行山徒步朋友, 以及親子家庭參加, 全程大部份是是沿走衛奕信徑和附近的晨運徑, 可以近距離觀賞茅湖山觀測台和炮台山(魔鬼山)炮台等歷史遺跡。 最後沿衛徑落山返回油塘, 順道欣賞維港兩岸景色。



油塘鯉魚門邨 (起點)

高超道 碧雲道   衛奕信徑3段 五桂山304米  茅湖山233米 → 茅湖山觀測台 (CP1 - 4公里)

→ 寶琳南路 → 衛奕信徑3段 炮台山222米 (CP2 - 7公里)

衛奕信徑3段 油塘鯉魚門邨 (終點)

*   請帶備足夠糧水,8公里路線沿途沒有自助補給站

8km Course


Lei Yue Mun Estate, Yau Tong (Start)
→ Ko Chiu Road → Pik Wan Road Wilson Trail Section 3 → Black Hill 304m 
→ Mau Wu Shan 233m 

     → Mau Wu Shan Observation Post (CP1 - 4km) 


→ Po Lam Road South  → Wilson Trail Section 3 → Devil's Peak 222m (CP2 - 7km) 


→ Wilson Trail Section 3 Lei Yue Mun Estate, Yau Tong (Finish)

*No self replenishment on the course, please carry enough food and water


8km Course Map and Elevation

8k map direction.jpg
8k elevation.jpg
3 Photo Points
Please note that no need
to take photo at the Start
所有參加者需在2/4/2021 - 9/5/2021內一次性完成指定虛擬跑路線及自拍相片,
(1) 輸入編輯代碼 (確認電郵有提供)
(2) 上載完成活動的GPX紀錄
(3) 上載打卡自拍相片(請顯示號碼布)
Participants should complete a virtual run between 2 April 2021 and 9 May 2021 in one go and upload your results (please enter your elapsed time / overall time, not moving time) and selfie photos to the link below.
(1) Enter edit code (Show in the confirmation email)
(2) Upload GPX link of your completed record
(3) Upload Selfie photos at checkpoints with your Bib
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