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日期: 2025年4月12日
時間: 7:00am (30km 參加者)
8:00am (21km 參加者)
地點: 香港金鐘海富中心
(金鐘港鐵站A出口地面, 近麥當勞門口對出泊車處)
Google Map:
* 憑車票上車, 逾時不侯
* 請於報名時加購車票, 或領取參賽包時補購
Shuttle Bus Station:
Date: 12 April 2025
Time: 7:00am (30km Participants)
8:00am (21km Participants)
Venue: G/F, Admiralty Centre, Hong Kong.
(Admiralty MTR Station - Exit A, parking near McDonald's)
Google Map:
* Please show up on time with shuttle bus ticket
* Please buy the ticket when you sign up the race or repurchase during the race pack pick up.

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