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前往賽事起點 大埔頌雅路兒童遊樂場
To Start Point Tai Po Chung Nga Road Children's Playground
由港鐵東鐵線大埔墟站或太和站乘坐的士前往, 付費用約港幣$25-$30
Take a Taxi from MTR East Rail Line Tai Po Market or Tai Wo station, pay around HK$25-$30.
在港鐵東鐵線大埔墟站A3出口, 乘搭綠色小巴20A, 20B, 20C或20K到太平工業中心第1座落車, 步行2分鐘前住起點
Take Green minibus no. 20A, 20B, 20C or 20K from MTR East Rail Line Tai Po Market station, and get off at Tai Ping Industrial Centre Block 1 stop, then take 2 minutes walk to the start point.
Take a 20 to 25 minute walk from MTR East Rail Line Tai Wo station to the start point.
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