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21公里 / 30km公

參賽包豐富禮物 :

  1. 號碼布

  2. 參賽運動Tee x 1件

  3. ​運動帽 x 1頂

  4. 運動頭巾 x 1條

21km /30km

Fabulous gifts in race pack:

  1. Race bib

  2. ​Race Tee x 1pc

  3. Sports Cap x 1pc​

  4. Sports Scarf x ​1pc

Race Hat
HK5P Race Hat
Hat (5).jpeg


完賽紀念禮物 :


完賽獎牌 x 1個

完賽紀念銀包 x 1個


Finisher gifts :

Finisher Medal x 1pc

Finisher Ultralight Wallet x 1pc

Medal 1.png
Ultralight Wallet.png



日期/時間: 2025年4月5日(星期六) (11:30am - 6:30pm)

                   2025年4月6日(星期日) (11:30am - 6:30pm)​

                   2025年4月7日(星期一) (11:30am - 7:30pm)

                   2025年4月8日(星期二) (11:30am - 7:30pm)


地址: Hillmalaya 運動店 - 九龍觀塘巧明街105號好運工業大廈3樓D室

1. 從港鐵觀塘站A2出口,穿過APM到港貿中心。
2. 穿過通道,乘扶手電梯到巧明街。
3. 在巧明街右轉,往駿業里方向走。

Google Map:

* 請出示參加者領取參賽包電郵, 便可以代朋友或隊友領取。
* 比賽當日及之後不設參賽包領取,如起點領取將收取$100手續費,外地參加者除外。

Race Pack Collection

Participants are able to collect their race pack in Hillmalaya Sports Store at the below date and time:

Date/Time:  4 April 2025 (Sat) (11:30pm - 6:30pm)

                      5 April 2025 (Sun)(11:30pm - 6:30pm)

                      6 April 2025 (Mon)(11:30pm - 7:30pm)

                      7 April 2025 (Tue) (11:30pm - 7:30pm)

Venue: Hillmalaya Sports Store
             Flat B, 3/F, Good Luck Industrial Building,

             105 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon

1. From MTR Kwun Tong Exit A2, walk through APM to Entrepot Centre.
2. Walk through the passage and take the escalator/stairs to How Ming Street.
3. Turn right at How Ming Street and walk towards Tsun Yip Lane.

Google Map:

* Your friend or teammate is able to pick up your race pack by showing the confirmation email.
No race pack collection on the race day and after,  $100 will be charged if picking up at the start, except the overseas participants.

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