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  1. 參賽者必須靠自己完成賽事。

  2. 參賽者必須在全程賽事中攜帶強制裝備。

  3. 參賽號碼布必須清晰地掛於身體前可見的地方。

  4. 參賽者應為自己和他人的安全著想,無論任何時候應顧及途中的其他使用者。

  5. 參賽者不得在沿途亂扔垃圾。

  6. 嚴禁陪跑員或支援跑手陪跑。

  7. 支援隊只可以在檢查站協助參加者。

  8. 參賽者必需跟隨路標賽道作賽,嚴禁抄捷徑。

  9. 團隊參賽者必須2人一起在檢查站關門前打卡後, 才可以繼續前行到下一個檢查站。

  10. 團隊參賽者假如其中一位隊員選擇退出比賽 ,其餘隊員仍可選擇繼續進行及完成比賽 ,但將不會列入團隊或個人名次計算,只有完賽時間記錄。

  11. 如果參賽者選擇退出比賽,必須在最就近的檢查站通知工作人員。

  12. 如果參賽者在比賽途中需要救護協助,立即致電聯絡主辦機構,大會工作人員會盡力協助參賽者。

  13. 主辦機構已購置公眾責任保險,但並不包括個人意外保險。主辦機構建議參賽者自行投購個人意外保險。

  14. 主辦機構保留酌情修改比賽規則、路線及其他安排的權利。

違反以下任何一項比賽規則有可能會受到計時處分或被取消參賽資格, 如何處分由主辦機構全權決定, 不得上訴


  • 參賽者及/或其支援人員亂拋垃圾

  • 破壞任何植物或騷擾動物

  • 沒有攜帶任何一項指定裝備

  • 沒有遵守主辦機構、大會工作人員或義工的指示

  • 沒有展示號碼布

  • 在檢查站以外的地方接受任何支援



  • 更改或破壞比賽路線指示牌

  • 抄捷徑或不跟隨大會比賽路線作賽

  • 陪跑員或支援跑手陪跑

  • 支援隊在賽道上及檢查站協助參加者

  • 使用其他參加者號碼布

  • 故意阻礙其他參賽者及/或導致其受傷

Rules and Regulations
  1. Runners must complete the race under their own power.

  2. Runners must carry mandatory gears at all times during the race.

  3. Bib numbers must be visible clearly in the front of body at all times.

  4. Ensure your own safety and that of others, and be considerate of other users at all times.

  5. Littering is strictly prohibited.

  6. Pacers and support runners are strictly prohibited.

  7. Support crews are able to support runners at the checkpoints only.

  8. Runners must stay on the marked course, taking short cuts is strictly prohibited.

  9. Team Runners must arrive the checkpoint together before its closing time, in order to be allowed to continue to the next check point.

  10.  If one of the teammate decides to withdraw from the race, the other teammate will be allowed to continue and finish, but won’t be ranked either in the team or solo category. Only finish time will be recorded as a finisher.

  11. If you choose to withdraw from the race, you must inform the race officials at the closest checkpoint.

  12. If you need first aid help during the race, you must make a call to the organizer, and the race official will make every effort to help you.  

  13. The organizer has its own public liability insurance. This does not include personal accident of runners. We recommend that you have your own personal accident cover.

  14. The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the race rules, route and other arrangements as they deem appropriate.


Breaking the following rules of the event may incur a time penalty and disqualification, any such penalties are at the organizers’ discretion and are final:


Time Penalty

  • Littering by participant and/or support crew.

  • Damaging any flora or disturbing fauna along the course.

  • Not carrying any of the mandatory gears.

  • Not following instructions given by organizer, race officials and volunteers.

  • Not wearing a race bib.

  • Accepting any support outside the check point area.



  • Altering, damaging and/or otherwise tempering with course markings.

  • Taking shortcuts and/or not following the official marked course.

  • Running with pacers and support runners.

  • Using someone else's bib number.

  • Deliberately obstructing and/or causing injury to other runners.

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